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Solution ADMS Server
We give total solution for centralized attendance system, real time, and integrated for company that have many branch office where still in one city, other city, or other country,
but want have centralized attendance data wherever and whenever employee doing absent, data will directly enter to head office server.
Althought many attendance machine now allready support TCP/IP Connection features, offenly implementation centralized attendance system is fail in doing and sometime can not be doing because no network available between head office and branch office or no every branch office have internet connection with having IP public.
Solution ADMS Server give this solution for centralized attendance system without must have available lease line network that is expensive or use VPN connection, etc.
that is needed only internet connection with ip public in head office and whatever internet connection available in branch office that no need ip public. can use telkom speedy, fastnet, etc.
ADMS Server Implementation
How ADMS Server Work:
- Server/PC in head office that having Public IP must be install ADMS Server software, this software is listen and communication use HTTP protocol (Port 80), so in connection activity can/will bypass firewall protection.
- Attendace machine in client side must support ADMS Fcuntion, after that only need to set IP Address, Netmask, Default Gateway like other internet connection in branch office, and enter Public IP of ADMS Server in WebServerIP menu (IP Public of ADMS Server) dan WebServerPort if no use port 80.
- Attendace machine will try to making connection with ADMS Server automaticly and periodicly, If connection is occur between ADMS Server and attendace, so ADMS Server can doing 2 way communication for this attendance machine
- No Need again for pre-installation software in Branch Office PC or any other pre-setting. just connect LAN/UTP Cable from RJ45 Port in attendance machine to Switch/Hub Port that available in branch office, so attendance machine automaticly will doing connection to ADMS Server.
Feautures of ADMS Server:
- Able to Monitoring hundred of attendance machine remotely and realtime in complex network (Intenet).
- Able to see online/offline status for every attendace machine in branch office, upadte firmware remotely, Backup/Restore/Copy/Move/Delete Fingerprint Template from 1 machine to other machine between branch office.
- Able to manage employee data, fingerprint template, attendance logs with one centralized database. (Default Database user Mysql Server)
- All New Data include fingerprint template, attendace logs in every machine in branch office will be tranfered with realtime way or periodly that allready schuduled before.
- Attendance logs data can be export to txt format, excel, etc and next this data can be use for attendace management software, payrol, HRMS, etc.
For more information, please contact our staff.